Transformation and protection 108 Mala. Malachite, Labradorite, Moonstone, Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, macrame, 2024 Meditation, Yoga Jewelry
Made with Love!
For this powerful 108 Mala Beads I was inspired by the astonished MALACHITE for ‘'guru bead'', braided together with bright silver plated balinisian beads and a carefully handmade silky tassel. For necklace I've used LABRADORITE (8mm beads) that is in synergy with MOONSTONE (6mm beads) and MALACHITE (6mm beads) hand-knotted on a gray silky thread. In particular these last two combined on the 2nd chakra help regulate the cycle and the disorders of the female sexual organs. Made with Love!
This 108 Mala beads is handcrafted with meditation mindset and with great attention to details. I make all mala and jewellery using high-quality stones.
Each design is unique!
Your purchase will include a card detailing the healing properties for this Mala along with a gift bag in cotton packaged and decorated by myself. Another important detail of the gift bag is about the inside lining with a red 100% cotton fabric; the colour red is specified because it has the slowest rate of absorption of luminous vibrations and is the most resistant. As such, it forms a kind of natural energy barrier, preventing the crystal from receiving outside forces or in its turn, giving off its own programme.
We are giving back to Mother Nature by planting trees from each sale we get. That's right! One tree per sale. How? At the end of each month, InnerBeautyGems donates 1$ from EACH sale to a non profit organisation One Tree Planted. One Tree Planted partner with carefully selected reforestation organizations in 4 regions: North America, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Why? Why would you NOT want to plant trees?! Working with One Tree Planted allows InnerBeautyGems offset carbon emissions from shipping orders all over the world, and be a part of something greater. It feels soooo good to give back to the Earth. Not only do reforestation projects help the planet, but they give jobs to local communities and provide new homes for the animals. You can find more info on
--- Transformation, protection, enhance intuition and creativity, menstrual problems---
Reputed to protect against the Evil Eye, witchcraft, and evil spirits, this stone is a powerful cleanser for the emotional body, releasing past-life or childhood trauma. Life is lived more intensely under the influence of Malachite, a powerful energy conduit. It mercilessly shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, drawing out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, breaking unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaching how to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and feelings. An important protection stone, Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the environment and the body, soaking up plutonium and radiation and clearing electromagnetic smog. Malachite can be used for scrying or to access other worlds, inner or outer. Journeying through Malachite's convoluted patterns assists in receiving insights from the subconscious or messages from the future.
--- protection, transformation, creativity, vitality, patience, eyes, regulating metabolism, blood pressure ---
A stone of transformation, Labradorite prepares body and soul for the ascension process. This highly mystical and protective stone raises consciousness and deflects unwanted energies from the aura, preventing energy leakage. This crystal helps banish fears and insecurities and the psychic debris from previous disappointments, strengthening trust in the universe. Labradorite calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination. Labradorite removes other people's projections, including thought forms hooked into the aura. With Labradorite, analysis and rationality are balanced with inner sight. Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. Holding esoteric knowledge, it takes you into another world or into other lives.
--- deep emotional healing, disorders of upper digestive tract related to emotional stress, anxiety, female reproductive cycle, hormonal balance, fluid imbalances, assimilation of nutrients, detoxification, insomnia---
Said to protect sailors at sea and travelers on water, Moonstone is more potent during a waxing moon and less so during the waning. This is the stone to use if you seek to embody the goddess. Like the moon, the stone is reflective and reminds you that everything is part of a cycle of change. Lessening a tendency 2024 to overreact emotionally Moonstone can also amplify emotions in sensitive people at full moon, especially those picked up from other people. This stone encourages lucid dreaming, especially at full moon, and has traditionally been used to enhance metaphysical abilities and to develop clairvoyance. A stone of new beginnings, Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy. It balances male-female energies and assists men who want to get in touch with their feminine side. It is the perfect antidote for the excessively macho man-or aggressive female. Opening the mind to sudden and irrational impulses, serendipity, and synchronicity, placed on the solar plexus it draws out old emotional patterning.
*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The results are the sole responsibility of the wearer*
Why are there 108 beads on a mala?
The number 108 is an important magic and sacred number in Hinduism and yoga, with one of its associations symbolizing perfection. Traditionally, malas come as a string of 108 beads, plus one for the "guru bead," around which the other 108 beads turn like the planets around the sun. A mala is used for counting as you repeat a mantra, much like the Catholic rosary.
Some believe there are 108 stages on the journey of the human soul, while others associate the possibility of enlightenment with taking only 108 breaths a day, while in deep meditation.
with Love and Light,