All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<hOurSImages2or LogohOurSApparel, Napkin or Welcome Bag DesignshOurSPext-co Ds="wt-texts All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<hOurSImages2or LogohOurSApparel, Napkin or Welcome Bag DesignshOurSPext-co Ds="wt-texts Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<<bft<bftAddJa special touchJto your event with ourr0ustomized 2 ounce pla- ec shothgak-we . Thishaffordable tent c is pIrfect for your family2and friends tohtoastJto your celebra ixt.hhOurSpla- ec shothgak-we Jare best for shots,rsmallSfood tk- engs and2minirdesserts.<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<<bft<bftQUANTITY: Choose yourrdesired quantity2in2therdrop down box.<bft<bftSIZE: Each cuppholds 2 ounces.<bft<bftMEASUREMENTS: 2.25" tall xh1.875" wide at2top.<bft<bftCOLOR: Shothgak-we Jare clearJin color.<bft<bftIMPORTANT: ItJishthe na ure of pla- ec tohscuff2and scra ch dur4ng stack4ng and shi7p4ng. TheseSscuffs2and scra che Jare not cxtsidered ardefect.<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<<bft<bftPext-coixt time for this 0ustom made 2024 ie. SisJgenerally up toS3 weeks. Please allow up toS3 weeks for this 0ustom ie. Sto be made before shi7ment. Saandard ground shi7p4nghmay take up toS3-5 business days depend4ng on your loca ixt/deliveryJaddre-s. Thishis a 0ustom made ie. . ItJishnxt-returtable and cxtsidered arfital2sale.<bft<bftIfhyou 0aveSany ques exts, please 01ntact us before placing your ofsr.<bft<bftx♥x♥ BTID<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<<bft<bftBefore the I Do's actevelySsearches he2marketplace for those whoJcopy2and steal ourSuniqueSdesigns.hAll 01 wt-brin our shop is our intsllectualhpn,psrty. We doSpn,tect our intsllectualhpn,psrty2and our 0opyrights.<bft<bftPlease doJnot retext-ceSany of theSfollow4ng as it isJtexhibited:<bft<bft>hOurSImages2or Logo<bft>hOurSApparel, Napkin or Welcome Bag Designs<bft>hOurSPext-co Ds="wt-texts </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659520599/0x500fac0dd/4197859915/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<hOurSImages2or LogohOurSApparel, Napkin or Welcome Bag DesignshOurSPext-co Ds="wt-texts All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<hOurSImages2or LogohOurSApparel, Napkin or Welcome Bag DesignshOurSPext-co Ds="wt-texts
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm